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District News

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Battle of the Books Battle of the Books: F-P Battle of the Books Goes Regional Battle of the Books is a voluntary reading incentive program for students in grades 3-8. The purpose is to encourage students to read good books and have fun while competing with peers.  Fabius-Pompey 5-8th grade students came together to read 10 books of different genres. They met as teams weekly the past 5 months and quizzes each other along with student coaches in grades 9 and 10.  On April 5 the 5th and 6th grade teams battled in the auditorium against each other to correctly answer the most amount of questions on their books. Picture the Olympics of Reading! Reading is not just an individual sport anymore! Mrs. Kelley and Ms. Turner were excited to change up the battles to go beyond just our own Fabius-Pompey.  OCMBOCES ...
A Visit to Hospital Land A Visit to Hospital Land: A Visit to Hospital Land!   On April 9th and 10th, the first grade classes each took a trip to Hospital Land at Crouse Hospital! Hospital Land is sponsored by the Crouse Hospital Auxiliary and open to all first grade classes in the area. While there, the students were able to take part in a simulated surgery to remove someone’s tonsils. Each student had a role to play, from admitting the patient, preparing for surgery, delivering food from the cafeteria, and being surgeons and nurses. After this, the students were able to use wheelchairs, crutches, a stretcher, sit in a hospital bed, and talk about experiences they have had being sick. The students left with a better understanding of what it is like to visit the hospital, and how to keep their bodies ...
7th grade Farmer's Museum field trip 7th grade Farmer's Museum field trip: Seventh grade went on a field trip to the Farmer’s Museum in Cooperstown, NY on Thursday, April 4.  The students participated in a workshop program on life in the early 1800’s.  Each student had the opportunity to work with an artisan at two different workshops to make something that was part of everyday rural life in the 19th century.  This was a wonderful hands-on experience that the student thoroughly enjoyed.
Fabius-Pompey Student Athletes Participate in Leadership Academy Fabius-Pompey Student Athletes Participate in Leadership Academy: Fabius-Pompey Student Athletes Participate in Leadership Academy by Cait Smith, Physical Education teacher and coach The Leadership Academy is specifically designed for student-athletes in Section III.  Participants will explore curriculum modules throughout the program including: Adversity, Character, Sportsmanship, Attitude, Courage, Being a good Role Model, and much  more!  Eight Student-Athletes and 4 Coaches from Fabius-Pompey attended a meeting at Cortland high school, where they started to participate in leadership training. One of the goals of the group was to start a project at Fabius-Pompey that will be sustainable and will benefit our school or community.  The Student-Athletes chose to help increase participation in Recreation sports by getting ...
Veterans Day Celebration at the Elementary School Veterans Day Celebration at the Elementary School: A Salute to Our Veterans! By Colleen Apgar, Elementary Teacher   On Friday, November 9, the Elementary School held it’s third annual Veterans Day Celebration. Nearly 30 Veterans were in attendance. All branches of the military were represented including a World War II Veteran! Mr. John Hall, a member of the Honor Flight Syracuse Board of Directors, and Director of Honor Flight Volunteer Resources, delivered the keynote address. He shared with the audience what the Honor Flight missions entail for the Veterans involved. These are flights from Syracuse to Washington D.C. that allow Veterans to tour the war monuments.  Mr. Hall was on hand after the ceremony to offer information to Veterans interested in participating in one of these flights. ...
Buddy Bench Buddy Bench: On Friday, October 19, 2018, the Fabius-Pompey Elementary students and staff gathered together to recognize and embrace a new Buddy Bench on the playground. Jan and Marvin Murray donated the bench in memory of their son Marc who passed away from a long battle with leukemia. On the bench there is a plaque that states in memory of Marc Murray, and the message , “Treat others that way you want to be treated”.   The buddy bench originated in Germany, but started in the United States by a student in Pennsylvania who saw a picture of this special bench ( ).  The simple idea was to eliminate loneliness and foster friendship on the playground. This spirit of friendship ties into our school’s pledge, Rachel’s ...
Old Fly Marsh Old Fly Marsh: Old Fly Marsh Field Trip   The fifth graders traveled to Old Fly Marsh in Fabius on Friday for a field trip to study the ecology of a marsh.  Mr. Jack Gramlich, and his friend John, led student groups on tours of the marsh. Students learned about the importance of wetlands to our area, as well as the history of the marsh.  There was a discussion of the impact of invasive species (phragmites) on the marsh ecosystem. Students were also able to experience firsthand the large impact the beaver colony in the marsh is having in flooding the trails.  One of this year’s groups was able to see an active paper wasp nest. Another group was able see the migrating geese come in for a landing at the marsh, where they would spend the day resting and feeding before ...
Number Scrolls at 1st grade Number Scrolls at 1st grade: Reaching 10,000   One of the rites of passage in the first grade is working on the number scroll.  It starts with a sheet with a 10 x 10 grid and the students begin writing their numbers.  When complete, it is attached to a cardboard tube and the next sheet begins at 101.  The goal was to finish one sheet per week and keep adding it to the previous sheet.   A parent once inquired why we would do such a thing as it seemed monotonous.  It was a fair question and upon consideration, three purposes / goals were solidified.  First, it builds number sense by witnessing the numbers grow by one more and seeing the consistent patterns of our base-10 number system.  Secondly, it helps develop those fine motor skills and neatness.  Lastly, it demonstrates ...
2018 Art Recognition 2018 Art Recognition: 2018 Art Student Recognition On Tuesday, June 5, 2018 the Board of Education honored student artwork at their meeting.  Artwork was showcased from Kindergarten to twelfth grade. Mrs. Lindsley-Barton, Ms. Ashman, and Mr. Hyatt announced each student and their award.  The students showed the board members their artwork. The Board of Education president, Mr. Neugebauer presented each student with a certificate. NYSATA Student Art - Naturally, Beaver Lake Nature Center, April 2018 Colden Kreilach – 1st Grade Marin Apgar – 3rd Grade Sophie McMahon – 3rd Grade Ava Lee – 4th Grade Timothy Barnum – 4th Grade Payton Taylor – 5th Grade   NYSATA Legislative Student Art Exhibition, ...
5th graders go to Albany 5th graders go to Albany: The fifth grade students went on a field trip to Albany, NY on May 3, 2018 to tour the capitol building and museum.  This is a great field trip to support 4th and 5th grade Social Studies curriculum. Our students have traveled to Albany for the past three years.      At the June 5th Board of Education meeting, Carson Edwards, Emma Kadlubowski, and Siriah Walser present to the board members their experience.  The students talked about the tour of the NY State Capitol building and the architecture of the building. The Corning Tower and the 360 degree views of Albany and the Hudson River from the top.   Lastly, the students talked about their visit the NY State museum.  The museum covers many aspects of New York State history, including: ...
Agriculture/Dairy after school Cluster Agriculture/Dairy after school Cluster: Agriculture/Dairy after school Cluster   Six students in 3rd and 4th grade had the opportunity to be part of the first Agriculture/Dairy after school Cluster, put on the by the Onondaga County Dairy Promotions Team. Students met each week with 2nd Alternate NYS Dairy Princess, Zoie Skinner, a junior at FP, and several local Dairy Ambassadors (Cassandra Wilbur, Maddy Haaf, Isabella Esposito, Sasha Lelakowski, Isabella Loomis & Ruth Siau). The students learned to identify dairy products and then learned about the 9 essential nutrients in milk and what they do for their body. They also got to see pictures of the red & white Holstein calf that they adopted and learned about her growth each week. (They named her Fireball!) The next week the students went ...
7th grade visits the Farmer's museum in Cooperstown 7th grade visits the Farmer's museum in Cooperstown: The seventh grade took a field trip to the Farmer’s Museum in Cooperstown, NY on Thursday, March 22.  The students participated in a workshop program on life in the 1800’s.  Each student had an opportunity to work with an artisan at two different workshops to make something that was part of everyday rural life.  This was a wonderful hands-on experience that gave the students a window into the daily life of people in central New York in the 1840's.
Read Across America Read Across America:  Read Across America Week March 2 - 9 was Read Across America Week at the elementary school.  This year, we started our celebration with our traditional birthday cake for Dr. Seuss, baked by our wonderful cafeteria staff and decorated by Mr. Sims. We spent the week doing DEAR, or Drop Everything And Read time.  DEAR is a 20 minute block announced at a different time every day, when everyone in the building - faculty, staff, and students - drops whatever they’re doing to read.  Students love this special time when everyone curls up with a good book.   We also had a home reading challenge, with the students who read the most minutes for the week receiving a Barnes and Noble gift card, courtesy of  APTS. Congratulations to everyone ...
Hour of Code Hour of Code: On Friday, December 8th, the 5th grade students participated in Hour of Code.  The day before, the students watched a 5 minute video titled “Computer Science is Changing Everything.” The video showed all the ways computer science is incorporated into our lives and the different professions it impacts. The morning of Hour of Code, the students came in excited for the opportunity to participate! Each student used a Google Chromebook and had the choice of using Tynker for Kids, Hour of Code activities from and/or Scratch.  The students coded within a variety of lessons and created many different projects.  In Tech Literacy class, the students will continue to complete coding activities through the remainder of the year.   ...
FP Chess Wins at CS Drive Middle School FP Chess Wins at CS Drive Middle School: FP Chess Wins at CS Drive Middle School   Chess has continued to thrive at the Fabius Pompey Middle-High School Library.  Chess Board are available during any point in the day and the Chess Cart a common fixture in the lunchroom.  Fabius Pompey has a long tradition of Chess and we are excited to inspire a new generation of chess players.    Photo (L-R) Row 1: Walter Kirkeby, Wyatt Drexler, Will Skeval, Carlina Wallace, Blake Masters Row 2: Mason Wagner, David Eldridge, Nicholas Skeval, Jackson Breed, Grayson Wallace       We have beginners to advanced players - all are welcome to play from 4th grade to 12th grade and beyond.  We have ...
Teen Institute’s Heart of NY conference 2017 Teen Institute’s Heart of NY conference 2017: This year at Teen Institute’s Heart of NY conference 2017 the TI students did a fantastic job. Tyler Gorman was a returning Senior Youth Staff and Karley Whalen and Jeremy Skeele were Junior Youth Staff. Together with youth from 21 other schools or regions they created and executed one of the biggest events in TI history! We had 7 participants this year who learned about advocacy for a substance-free school and community, public service and leadership. These participants, Megan Gagnier, Danielle McAndrew, Rachel McAndrew, Brooke Moll, Ashley Osborn, Hannah Warner, and Caleb Pitts were able to meet other student leaders from over 25 different high schools in NY.  Our FP TI group plans on hosting some events with Elementary students and the Middle-High School students to promote ...
Terry Lindsley-Barton honored at the  2017 New York State Art Teachers Association conference Terry Lindsley-Barton honored at the 2017 New York State Art Teachers Association conference: Terry Lindsley-Barton honored at the New York State Art Teachers Association Conference   Terry Lindsley-Barton, Fabius-Pompey Elementary Art Teacher has been chosen as a recipient of the New York State Art Teachers Association Raymond C. Henry Award. The Raymond C. Henry Award is given in honor of the lifelong contributions of Raymond C. Henry. A grant of $500.00 is awarded to an individual NYSATA member to aid in the development and completion of a specialized art education project.   Terry’s project was on Antoni Gaudi’s architecture and his emphasis on nature.  This project will enable Terry to introduce elementary students to the architectural concepts and vocabulary through the study Antoni Gaudi’s architecture. Students will learn ...
3rd grade Outreach Field Trip 3rd grade Outreach Field Trip: 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Food Pantry By: Adelina Kindon/3-Goodfellow On Thursday November 9th, the third graders had a fantastic time at the food pantry.  The most important thing the food pantry does is give away food to people who don’t have enough.  We learned that the dates on certain food are just a guide to use, because it can last five years after that date.  Next, we put the food from the school on the shelves.  Finally, we talked about the food that’s okay for students to bring.  All the third graders hope to go back next year! Field Trip to Community Center By: Sarah Rossi/3-Ward The field trip to the Community Center was very fun!  First, all the third graders got to carry one or two ...
Public Speaking Class reads to Elementary Students Public Speaking Class reads to Elementary Students: Public Speaking is an elective offered at the high school level for students who want to improve their confidence while speaking in front of a group.  The elective is based around practicing the skill of speaking as much as possible to build a student’s courage and self-assurance. We focus heavily on variations in pacing and pitch, the importance of pause, the necessity of genuine eye contact, the need for enthusiasm and expression, and changes in volume, tone, and inflection. In this class the motto is: “It is about the audience, not the speaker”. In order to instill that motto into the students early in the semester, we start the semester off reading children’s books to the class.  I tell them: “Ham it up! Kids will not sit if they ...
Teen Institute Shares a Sweet Message Teen Institute Shares a Sweet Message: Teen Institute members wanted to give a message to the elementary students about having a safe and fun Halloween. They visited each class, introduced themselves and gave the younger students a piece of candy with a message attached.  The TI students had an opportunity to role model positive, safe behavior while sharing a sweet treat.

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